You Don't Have To Run Today

You don’t have to run today. You could run, or not run.

You don’t have to do your PT exercises. You can do them, or not do them.

You don’t have to warm up or cool down. You could, or you could not.

You don’t have to go to bed early.

You don’t have to run in the dark.

You don’t have to take an ice bath.

You don’t have to sign up for an ultra.

If you run today, it’s because you get to run. You’re choosing to run.

You could choose to warm up.

You could choose to cool down.

You could choose to go to bed early.

You could choose to do an ultra.

You could choose not to do an ultra.

You could choose not to race at all.

Racing isn’t what makes you a runner. Running is.

You could choose to take an ice bath … or seriously, you could not. It’s the freaking winter.

It’s all a choice.

You get to run.

You get to choose.

P.S. I wrote this after talking with Ali Feller, the incredible host of the Ali on the Run show, about how much she hates the phrase “I have to.” I’m releasing my interview with her next week. Subscribe to Mind Over Miles to listen!