Podcast Roundup 2: Perception is Reality

In the past few weeks I've been getting out of my usual podcast box with recommendations from friends or suggestions from iTunes. Looking back at all these shows I realize they all touch on mindset and psychology - everything comes back to the way we see the world.

High Performance Mindset: Interview with Amber Selking: I was surprised by how much I liked this episode. Amber Selking is a sports psychologist who works with businesses and athletic teams, including the Notre Dame Football team. Her insights into sports psychology were incredibly enlightening and I felt they were applicable beyond sports to everyday life.

Liberated Body: Beyond Anatomy: Five leaders in human movement sciences share why they believe it is essential to move "beyond anatomy" and into our experiences with our own bodies. I can easily get sucked up in "learning more" and this podcast reminded me that holistic learning includes more than books read and workshops attended.

Trail Runner Nation: The Science of Nutrition: An interview with Tailwind Nutrition founder Dr. Art Zemach on nutrition before, during, and after exercise.

On Coaching: Ep. 26 On BS: Hosts Jonathon and Steve call this one a "rant" on some of their pet peeves that they dub "bull shit" in the coaching and fitness world - including the ideal of perfection, athlete fragility, training gurus, and the importance of a coach.

Mindful Strength: Marni Wasserman on Nutrition and Health: A discussion of different nutritional approaches and how your eating preferences may change over time.

Peak Performance: Interview with Mike Rooney: This was a reminder to me of the value of learning from other sports. All sports have so much in common, especially in the mental realm. This interview with a baseball coach talks about the importance of a "hand down" attitude (what can I give to my team?) instead of a "hand up" attitude (what can you give to me?).

Food as Medicine: Ep. 39 with Ryan Lee: A story of a man who challenged the advice of his doctors when diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and healed himself with lifestyle and diet changes. He shares ideas for living with stress in your own life, such as setting different places you work for different tasks.

Run to the Top: Greatest Hits of 2017: I've seen a few podcasts do a "greatest hits" episode and this is a great way to get a preview of a podcast as a new listener, looking back on snippets of several memorable episodes.

Natural MD Radio: Healing Menstrual Pain Naturally: Host Aviva Romm shares lots of interesting lifestyle and diet ideas that may change the way you experience menstrual pain.