
Pause for Reflection: Responding to Challenge

Think about common challenges you are faced with - at work, in sport, in relationships, with family ... list 3 of these challenges. 

What do you often say to yourself in these challenging times? Right in the moment - what thoughts go through your head? Don’t be surprised if these thoughts are not too kind. Our brains have been trained to be very good at being very unkind to their owners. 

Now think instead what you would say to a friend if they were faced with those same challenges? We would often never say the things we say to ourselves to a friend. Ask yourself - how can you start to speak to yourself more like a friend you love? 

Come up with 3 actionable steps you can take the next time these challenges come up to respond with more positive self talk.  

Pause for Reflection: Optimizing your Day


What is one time of day that is particularly challenging for you? This could be a time of day you are most stressed, tired, anxious, etc… Perhaps it is your morning routine, the hour after lunch, the transition period between work and home ... 

Why do you think this time of day is so challenging?

What are 2-3 things you can do to make this part of the day easier? Be very specific so you can make these changes possible. 

Some ideas to consider:

  • Stop for 30 seconds - close your eyes, take 5-10 breaths. 

  • Make a list of things to do. Then do the easiest thing first.

  • Listen to a favorite song and dance it out.

  • Have a moment alone before starting a meeting or call. 

Pause for Reflection: Belonging

A question for daily journaling …

What would change if you accepted that you belong?

What is one thing that might have felt different in your day if you had truly believed you belonged at that moment?

...That you belong at work, that you belong in your workouts, that you belong in your event, that you belong in your city, that you belong in your family, that you belong in this universe ...

Pause for Reflection: Comfort

What is one thing that took you outside of your comfort zone today? Why do you think that felt uncomfortable for you?

Be careful not to judge yourself on this one. Everyone has things that make them uncomfortable, and that is a perfectly normal part of the human experience. Let yourself notice where your edges of comfort are without assigning value to what you “should” or “should not” feel comfortable with.

Pause for Reflection: Better

What is 1 thing you want to get better at this week? Write it down at the beginning of the week, and monitor your progress each day.

How did you get better at ____ today? What was hard about practicing this? What can you do to make it easier tomorrow?

You can choose anything to get better at - it doesn’t have to be related to athletics. Some ideas are ... Not hitting the snooze button, Interrupting others less, drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning, going screen-free 30 minutes before bed, asking for help once a day …