
(Credit: Kaamran Hafeez/The New Yorker Collection/The Cartoon Bank) 

I really enjoy following along on other people’s business and creative  journeys (like Nicole Antoinette and Chloe Benjamin), and I want to do the same and share more “behind the scenes” of my own work. So today ... a look inside my recent quarterly goal review. 

I use The Full Focus Planner to set annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals (sensing Russian nesting dolls anyone?), and if that sounds excessive and obsessive, it probably is. And I love it. 

I met all of my Q1 goals, which of course was very satisfying, and it also made me wonder if perhaps I need to set some bigger “reach” goals. 

  1. Finished website updates  

  2. Posting on Instagram at least twice a week 

  3. Released the Mind Over Miles podcast with weekly episodes 

  4. Sent out this weekly email newsletter

  5. Created a mental training freebie 

  6. Created mental training plans for sale on Final Surge 

For Q2, my goals are: 

  1. Running Coaching Goals:

    1. Fill at least two cohorts of The Runner’s Mastermind 

    2. Host 5 meetups or events with running clubs in Portland or for the general public 

    3. Reach goal - I want to write about mental training for Altra! I love their shoes and athletes, and this is a brand I’d love to work with.  

  2. Writing Goals:

    1. I took most of Q1 off of working on my book on running and motherhood, and now I’m back with a commitment to do at least 2 hours of work on the book each week. It feels daunting to have such a blank slate, and I’m working on starting even when I don’t feel ready. I listened to this Magic Lessons podcast (Ep. 209)  this morning and holy wow, it had every piece of creativity advice I ever need to hear in it. This will be something I regularly re-listen to as I work on this book! 

    2. In support of my growth as a writer, I’d also like to do morning journaling three times/week, a half hour of research reading once/week, to keep writing this weekly email, to publish one article/quarter on Trail Sisters (I have my first one coming out later this month!), and to keep putting out the Mind Over Miles podcast. 

  3. Habit Goals:

    1. I am trying to bring more excitement and pride to everything I do. It can be all too easy for me to get bogged down in feeling like I’m not doing enough or “this is never going to work,” and those thoughts are bullshit! I know when I do certain things - check social media and email less often, and not until later in the day, use pomodoro timers for focus, take walk breaks - that I absolutely feel more focused and excited about my life. 

  4. Running Goals:

    1. Surprisingly, I don’t really think of running goals much these days! I’m doing two 25Ks this spring: The Smith Rock Ascent and The Timberline Half Marathon (both with friends!), and my goal is to enjoy them at any pace, and to keep taking care of myself so I can stay running consistently.

Take a screenshot and share on IG, tag me @tend.athletics