How to Stay Active when Working from Home

me plank

Does this sound familiar? You dreamed of working on the beach, in a cabin, at your favorite cafe. Setting your own hours, shifting effortlessly from work to relaxation.

Working remotely was once a pipeline dream for many, until it became an unexpected reality overnight. Of course, your dream to work remotely didn’t involve a global pandemic, shut down, and having all your family home with you!

Nonetheless here we are. We’re all trying to maximize “dealing” with all of the many facets of living and working alongside this pandemic.

Enter Remote Hustle: A community-fueled space of curated resources and advice to help people harness the power of online tools and strategies while working remotely. They’ve been pros at working remotely long before coronavirus showed up, so they know their stuff.

I recently talked with their editor Molly Mulroy about staying active while working from home.

We talked about managing stress and exercise, how to start a fitness routine, and the gifts you can take from this experience if you know where to look for them.

Read my full conversation with Remote Hustle here!