How to Fuel During Your Half Marathon or Marathon Training

Runners often overlook the incredible opportunities they have to experiment with fueling during their training. The best way to create your fueling and hydration plan for your race is to practice during your training.

In addition to practicing what you will eat DURING your long run, practice what you will eat for dinner the night before a long run and for breakfast the morning of. This way, come race week, you won’t have to get nervous about these things - you will simply follow your typical plan!

Before your Long Run

Experiment with what feels good and how much time you need to digest before your run, so you can replicate that on race day. Your ideal pre-run snack will be high carb, some protein, and low fat/fiber. Some ideas to eat 1 to 2 hours before:

  • Half bagel with nut butter

  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup oatmeal with chopped dates and nuts

  • Granola bar (not protein bar) - such as a Picky Bar or Lara Bar

During Your Long Run

Everyone will have a different need for fuel, but a good rule of thumb is to eat something every 40 - 70 min on your long runs that is mostly carbs, such as:

  • CLIF Shot Bloks: Note some flavors have caffeine so if that upsets your stomach avoid those

  • Half of a carb-rich bar like a Picky Bar

  • 2-3 dates

  • Handful of pretzels

  • Applesauce squeeze packs

  • Pieces of low-fiber muffins


Sip water or light electrolyte drink throughout long run - for electrolytes I like nuun or ultima, or making my own with 1 t lemon juice, 1/2 t honey, and pinch of salt. If you use drinks like gatorade I recommend diluting it by 1/2 with water.

After Long Run

It is SUPER important to eat something right after your long run! Runs can sometimes make you feel queasy, so if that is the case for you it’s essential you find something palatable like a smoothie to consume post-run. Within 30-60 minutes, you want to eat something that is mostly carbs with some protein. This will help your body absorb the benefits of that run and recover faster. Some ideas:

  • Bagel and nut butter

  • Half sandwich

  • Sports Bar with more carbs than protein

  • Trail mix with dried fruits and nuts

  • Banana and nuts or nut butter

  • Small rice dish, maybe with a little beans/meat/tofu

  • Chocolate milk (dairy or non-dairy milk)

  • Smoothie such as: banana, oats, water, nut butter, cinnamon, spinach