Podcast Roundup 6: Recovery, Pain, and Scandal

This week’s podcast selections includes some not-sports related listens that were just so fascinating I wanted to include them too!

Work Play Love: Injuries, Stress Management, Biz Marketing: Lauren and Jesse answer questions about deciding when to change course and when to push through in the face of an athletic challenge, managing global life stress, marketing for a new business, and planning for starting a family.

Purple Patch Fitness: Develop a Recovery Mindset: We all hear that recovery is valuable, but what does that really mean? Matt Dixon offers several case studies to show the nuances of incorporating athletic and overall recovery into your life. Recovery will look different for every individual, and this podcast will give you some ideas for how you can practice recovery in your life.

Invisibilia: The Fifth Vital Sign: This episode looks at our culture’s reaction to pain and a unique pain management program to help teenage girls with something known as “amplified pain syndrome.”

The Dropout: The Story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos: This is a fascinating series recounting the entire Theranos journey, which we all know has ended in great scandal.

Hidden Brain: Emma, Carrie, Vivian: Less than 100 years ago, many US doctors were preaching eugenics and practicing forced sterilization across the country. This seems like a practice that shouldn’t have existed so recently, and yet it did - this episode tells that history.