Simple Strength for Runners

push up

One of the most important things you can do as a runner is strength training. Strength training will help you become a life long runner and run faster, farther, and with better form. It’s better to do something small than to do nothing at all, so don’t think you need a gym membership and 3 hours/week to start strength training.

What to strengthen?

For most runners, the most important areas to strengthen are your posterior chain (the back of your body - hamstrings, glutes, and back), core, hips, and shoulders. Strengthening these muscles will improve your form and therefore make you a more durable runner.

How to start a simple strength routine

Try taking 10-15 minutes 2-3 days/week for “prehabilitation” - preventative strength training specific for runners. You can do these exercises before or after your runs, and you don’t need any equipment. 

As you do these exercises - try to practice proper core engagement, which does not involve “sucking it in” as most people would have you believe! 

Repeat for 10-15 minutes, or 2-3 sets of: 

Want even more strength ideas? Check out our full video library or learn more about a custom strength training plan.